
My thoughts #Chap 2

reflecting(credits: Victor Perez)
After reading various posts from different course-mates. I found that almost half stands on the side of being for having multiple online identities and the other against it. 
Novina believes that having multiple identities was perfectly fine. we both agreed that to different people, we reveal ourselves to different degrees. An example would be us in our daily lives. Our student(assuming you are a teacher) for example will not know us well as a friend. The reason behind this is that there is a clear limit to how much a student should know about a teacher’s personal life. Linking it back to having different identities, providing all our information in a single profile leaves us “open” to anyone be it strangers, students or friends to view. In this case would everyone be considered as a friend?
Evan on the other hand points out that it is crucial to have only one online identity. He mentions that companies search up information about us and if multiple accounts are found, it might a sign to that we have something to hide. Just like the video he shared about how Jack Vale with a few simple search was able to obtain personal information about strangers, how hard would it be for companies with resources at their disposal to search out multiple accounts. 
In conclusion, I feel that I would personally still maintain my views on having more than one online profile. But I would also change my stand a little. By having two separate accounts, one for work and another for my social life, it would help limit the information people I am not close to sees about me. When applying for a job, being honest and forthcoming about having two accounts would signify that i am not trying to hide anything. But ultimately, having one or more accounts to me comes down to the same conclusion. Do not upload anything you do not want anyone to know about because in this time and age, we do not have control over what people can dig up about us on the internet.
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