
My thoughts on topic 3 (done on my phone far far away)

In this topic, we were tasked with posting on what we felt was needed to build an “authentic”professional online profile. Through reading of the different blogs by fellow course-mates, I gained many valuable insights from the different approaches everyone took.

Angie’s post showed the depth to which companies went to search out information about about candidates. From her post I learnt that increasingly, companies look for information from our social media accounts as a confirmation of who really we are and whether we are the right fit for them.

Winnie’s post gave me a lot of insight into what being real and honest was about. She mentions a local blogger (xia xue) who sets herself apart by “branding” herself different from the other bloggers. I learnt that even the smallest of skills or character we have, by being true to them and showcasing them out, it sets us apart from the norm and it is what many companies are looking out for.

Lastly issac’s point that when we forward or repost an article, sharing our personal voice/opinion is actually what helps set us apart from everyone else. I couldn’t agree with him more. I believe that it is through the sharing of our own options that companies can see how we think and may realize that we have fresh new ideas or are possibly an asset to the company.

In conclusion, what I take away from this topic 3 is that for an “authentic” professional online profile to be done well, it takes a long process but if done well, it is well worth the effort.


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